“I appreciate weekly tutoring. Thank you for being so great!!!!! I’ve never had such great communication with a teacher!! You rock”.  -Parent, J.E.

“I am seeing him pay more attention to his math grade and trying harder this quarter. I think having the meeting was very helpful. He wants to get an A this quarter!! Thank you! I appreciate all that you do for your students  ”-Parent, T.P.

“I appreciate weekly tutoring. Thank you for being so great!!!!! I’ve never had such great communication with a teacher!! You rock”. -Parent, J.E.

“She enjoys the class and has shown a lot of improvement since last year.” -Parent, N.C.

“He loves you and loves your class, if in some moment I can help with anything let me know please. Thank you for your great job with our teenagers.” -Parent, A.A.

“I really think he is getting it now. He had a little transitioning period but I’m proud of the direction he’s going. I also think your class and your methods are really benefiting him! Thank you for being so informative and available!” -Parent,...